
  • In-Game Overlays: How They Work

    This post aims to give developers a high-level understanding of how in-game overlays work in a variety of environments: non-VR, Oculus, SteamVR, and OpenXR. Non-VR overlays are often used for social features and notifications, like the Steam, Discord, and EA overlays; VR expands the use cases and technical requirements.

  • An Overview of VR Software Components

    The VR software stack has many user-visible components, and increasing interest in optional, third-party components, which can add more functionality or improve performance. Here’s how the most common ones fit together and relate.

  • Green Screens in Limited Space

    I started streaming Overwatch, and I became picky about the quality of the video; this post describes my setup, where I run a green screen approximately 30 inches behind my desk.

  • Shapes, TypeAssert, and JSON APIs

    Hack includes a kind of data structure called shapes; shapes are a collection of fields with types, and support structural typing. This can be useful for making type-safe code to interact with third-party APIs.

  • Greenfield Projects with Hack

    Hack’s documentation and marketing is largely focused on how easy it is to migrate an existing PHP project; while this is a unique advantage of Hack, there isn’t much guidance on how new projects should be designed.

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